Where shall I begin? My name is Erica, I'm 14 and a freshmen in highschool (exciting huh?lol) I have an older brother who is 20 which makes me the baby of the family. He's a junior in college and we actually get along really well which is good since I am stuck with him j/k.Ralph is my little Boston Terrier(hehe he is so cute, I'll be posting pics of him soon.) I live in Pennsylvania, other than being freezing it is awesome in the fall when all the leaves are changing. There are also some cool dance clubs here, I love to go clubbin with my friends. On the weekends I am usually out partying( a party girl what can I say?) When I'm not in school I'm at the gym 4-5 times a week for 2 hours; by the time I'm 18 I hope to be competing in fitness competitions. I LOVE to watch horror movies. Scream 2 and The Exorsist are definately the best.